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Rock and Rollers, our debut self-titled album is now available
on iTunes and Google Play! You can now get all your favorite River Monsters songs! Please click on the links below and thank you for your support!
email us at: www.2btbmusicllc@gmail.com

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The River Monsters will creep into your ears and then blow you away with their powerful rock anthems! The soaring vocals and ripping guitar solos backed by a heart pounding rhythm puts this group on top!

River Monsters                                   To view our photos find us on: 

                                                                                  Check us out on :  

                                                                                        Watch us on : 

                                                                                        Album Links : 








Dominick Sangillo - Vocals

Joe Birardi - Lead Guitar & Vocals

Bill Tuohy - Rhythm Guitar

Kevin Losardo - Rhythm Guitar & Acoustic 12 String

Rich Riley - Synth Guitar

Matt Smith - Bass

Gerry Fortus - Drums

Gerry Mac - Percussion


Thank You!
© 2017
2BTB Music, LLC